Sunday, December 6, 2009


There are several web sites with great ideas for the use of Flickr in the classroom and as Harry Wong says, "Good teachers steal" so I plan to do exactly that. There has been some craziness going on in the science department of the high school where I teach. Unfortunately the ones most affected are the students so in trying to salvage the first semester for them I have stepped up to teach in two places at once so to speak. Since I haven't figured out the science of successfully cloning myself Flickr is going to come to the rescue. For the classes where I'm supposed to be two places at once I am putting together the lessons on Flickr so the sub can, for the most part, turn on the projector which is hooked to the computer and I will appear with the lessons and the explanations. I am taking photographs and videos of various concepts. This is a physics class by the way. Right now the class is in the process of learning about velocity, how to calculate velocity and how to use the formula to solve problems. The first drawback to them completing the lesson they were left with was they had no formula and no definitions or explanations concerning how to use initial and final velocity to solve the problems facing them. Although I could have used several other applications I've found Flickr to be used friendly and I love to spring new web tools on the students anyway.

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